Erectile Dysfunction and Heart Disease – What you Should Know

Mar 18th, 2010 | By | Category: Impotence News

The facts are becoming increasingly more clear – erectile dysfunction can be a percursor to more serious and fatal cardiovascular problems.

In a world where medicine has been rigid in identifying conditions and treating their symptoms, we are finding more facts about how holistic our bodies actually operate.  Recently in the news, new findings are showing the connection between male impotence and risk of heart disease is a very close one.

As reported in the March 30 issue of Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association,  men with both cardiovascular disease and ED have nearly twice the risk of death than those who have no problem maintaining an erection.  Secondly, men with Erectile Dysfunction have double the risk of a serious heart condition, 20% higher chance of hospitalization, and 10% increased risk of stroke than men without impotency issues.

Heart Disease and Erectile DysfunctionErectile Dysfunction doesn’t always mean there is a cardiovascular problem.  ED can be caused by a large number of physical, behavioral/psychological, or drug-induced side effects.  It’s only when it is caused by important circulatory problems that effect not only blood circulation in erections, but also to the heart and the brain.

It’s recommended if you are experiencing trouble getting and maintaining an erection, talk with your doctor about the possible reasons why.  Identifying circulatory risks early on can help your doctor identify the potential risks to your health that you can work to prevent – high cholesterol, lack of exercise, a bad diet, blood pressure, etc.

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